The library is asking for funding to replace our existing storage server that has been out of warranty since 2015, and is currently running in a degraded state. The storage server has served as a repository for the library's digital assets, which are being used to implement many of the services that we provide to students. By replacing the server we will increase the stability of the server and minimize service interruptions to students.
The John Jay college student community as well as the public community.
The server will reside in the DoIT Datacenter where it is securely locked.
By upgrading the server we can ensure that our digital assets are safely protected from old hardware failures. Students will continue to benefit from the many services that we provide as a result.
The Library IT Academic Applications Director will continue to maintain the servers. This include, patching, upgrading, periodic checks, and actively monitoring.
The Library IT Academic Applications Director will continue to be responsible for the servers.
Everything the Library does supports the Master Plan’s First Goal, Student Success, and the primary Objective within that goal: “Guide and support students as they master foundational intellectual skills, discover and construct knowledge for themselves...” This equipment will also specifically support the primary Objective of the Second Goal-- “Establish the infrastructure needed to support high quality research, scholarship and creative work.”