The purpose of this proposal is to upgrade the technology in the teaching and learning spaces on campus. CLSS plans to upgrade as many spaces as possible in the New Building and Haaren Hall. Spaces will be upgraded on a rolling basis, as scheduling permits, throughout the fiscal year. Equipment in the new building classrooms are over 10 years old and are in desperate need of replacement. By upgrading these rooms to the current college standard, all faculty and students will continue to have a seamless classroom experience. Through this enhancement, CLSS will be better placed to provide the resources needed for student and faculty teaching.
Faculty, staff and students will use and have access to the technology upgrades.
The New Building and Haaren Hall classrooms will be upgraded.
By upgrading these rooms to the current college standard, all faculty and students will continue to have a seamless classroom experience. Through
this enhancement, CLSS will be better placed to provide the resources needed for student and faculty teaching.
The equipment will be maintained by CLSS.
The faculty and staff assigned to the room during course periods will oversee the usage of the systems.
The upgrade will improve the effectiveness of teaching by helping enhance and strengthen the faculties pedagogy by providing the resources in order for the professional development faculty to be successful educators. The upgrade will provide the resources and professional development necessary for faculty to be successful teachers. The upgrade will also establish the infrastructure needed to support high quality research, scholarship and creative work.