pre-law institute

Pre-Law Program Application

Boot Camp III Detail


An experienced test prep instructor, this four-day program will introduce you to the LSAT, a standardized test all applicants to law school must take. In this program, you will take a full-length practice LSAT and will learn techniques to master each section of the LSAT. You will also learn about habits you can develop to help improve your performance on the LSAT and in law school. This program also includes a mock law class and an opportunity to hear from law school personnel.

Application Requirements and Admission

  • Admission is determined by academic performance and an evaluation of your application materials.
  • A two-page, double-spaced, typed Personal Statement which responds to the following question:
    Why do you want to go to law school and what specific experiences have influenced your decision?.
  • I am expected to participate fully, to attend all sessions, and to complete all assignments.
  • If accepted into the Boot Camp program, I must pick up the required reading materials from the Pre-Law Institute (New Building, 8.66.01) before the first day of the program .
  • Acceptance to the Pre-Law Boot Camp requires that I be in good academic standing at the time of application.

Admissions Decisions and Notification

  • Admissions decisions to the Law School Prep Program I will be made based upon an evaluation of academic performance and your application materials
  • There is no GPA requirement and all students are encouraged to apply. In the event we have more applicants than seats available, we will look at your GPA and essay very closely to help make our admission decision.
  • You will be notified via email of our decision. In your acceptance email, you will be notified of the required reading that must be done before the first day of the Program.
  • Please contact us at if you have any questions.
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